To remember the history of the American War in Vietnam and it's many Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian and American victims
Vietnam: American Holocaust [DVD]
87 Minute documentary on the Vietnam War. Shows how the U.S. government killed more than 3 million Vietnamese in their War of Independence. Starts with the history of the conflict from WWII, the defeat of the French, how the American people were lied into the conflict in the Gulf of Tonkin. Then shows how the killing was done. Includes testimony from soldiers and Vietnamese. Narrated by Martin Sheen. Written, Produced and Directed by Clay Claiborne.
Trailer for Vietnam: American Holocaust
Veterans for Peace National Convention 2009
The VFP National convention took place near our nation's capital at the University of Maryland's College Park Campus between August 5 -9, 2009. More than 350 people attended the 5 day convention. Members of Veterans for Peace were joined by Iraq Veterans Against the War, Military Families Speak Out and others for the packed schedule of meetings, plenary sessions, cultural events, film screenings, press conferences and 42 workshops. Vietnam: American Holocaust was shown on the first night and was very well received.
How do we build the anti-war movement under the new conditions?
Brave New Theater Site Established!

Rest In Peace Michael Jackson
I really want to say is "They don't really care
about us."'
- Michael
This Hear Cpl. Ryan's Story "Just Another Tuesday"
Ryan Endicott's testimony about his experiences as a U.S. Marine in Iraq at the recent Winter Soldier Southwest is one of the most honest and eloquent presentations I have ever heard on the subject. If you haven't seen it. If you really want to know what is going on now in Iraq. See it this weekend and pass it on. Join in the lively discussion going on in the comments section.